Ionactive Radiation Protection Blog
Our radiation protection blog is predominately written by Mark Ramsay, Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) for Ionactive Consulting. It contains a mixture of content including day to day descriptions of RPA work, advice and comment on current radiation protection issues, comment on regulator (HSE etc) inspections (suitably sanitised), historic content (i.e. the Co-60 drop and run story, Alexander Litvinenko Po-210, Fukushima nuclear accident, industrial radiography accidents), radiation safety legislation updates and practical radiation protection in the workplace.
For formal radiation safety advice. please see our Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) service pages.
New UK Consent process for users of Ionising Radiation (as of February 2023)
Published: Feb 25, 2023
Read moreAn article outlining the likely new consent system for users of ionising radiation in the UK. Thoughts from Ionactive plus a summary of the main points from the 'IRR17 Consents Workshop: The New System' meeting, organised by SRP on the 16 February 2023 at The Studio, Birmingham. Members of SRP can obtain the full meeting documents so this blog entry brings these up and coming changes to widest audience possible. [Updated October 2023].
Memories from the past – early radiation protection practice
Published: Dec 30, 2022
Read moreA few memories from Mark Ramsay, Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) at Ionactive, looking over the early years of radiation protection - a career which started in the late 80's.
Ionactive - further thoughts on our Polonium 210 (Po-210) Litvinenko activity and dose assessment
Published: Dec 28, 2022
Read moreFollowing the release of our 'Alexander Litvinenko - "Polonium-210 Poisoning" - revisiting an Ionactive 2006 blog article' on the 27 November 2022, this latest blog post compares what Ionactive assessed (including activity calculations) at the time in 2006, with official estimates of Po-210 intake and dose assessment (as submitted to 'The Litvinenko Inquiry' report issued January 2016). Ionactive came close enough.
2022 Alexander Litvinenko - "Polonium-210 Poisoning" - revisiting an Ionactive 2006 blog article
Published: Dec 27, 2022
Read moreOn the 24 November 2006 Ionactive released a blog article "Polonium-210 Poisoning", partly as a response to a BBC article "Radiation found after spy's death" published on the same day. This article is over 16 years old and we have not changed it (other than to tidy up formatting to remain compatible with our modern website). So there are assumptions, and probably some errors. But it is Ionactive history so we keep things as they are - we have come a long way since then. A key question we asked at the time, and long before there was anything much in the media or scientific community, was this - How much Po-210 was used?
We ARE delivering face to face radiation protection safety training
Published: Nov 19, 2022
Read moreIonactive is growing its onsite bespoke face to face radiation training course service, but our online RPS training course still remains the most popular training solution.
Online radiation safety training and a welcome break
Published: Jul 27, 2022
Read moreIonactive (Mark Ramsay) is away on holiday in Cornwall and muses over radiation safety training in the coming months ahead. The Ionactive online RPS training course has over 600 delegates registered. Is this the future of training or a blip caused by the Covid pandemic?