External radiation protection links

A collection of external radiation protection / safety related links, nuclear history and useful resources (radiation monitors, radioactive sources, UK and international legislation etc). No warranty implied by including links to services or products. Please email Ionactive if you think your produce or service should feature.

For formal radiation safety advice, visit our Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) services page. 

  • IAEA-database of nuclear and radiological incidents

    Published: Dec 13, 2023

    Source: Laka.org

    • IAEA
    • nuclear incidents
    • radiological incidents

    Elsewhere in this links section we feature 'The IAEA Information Channel on Nuclear and Radiological Events'. This resource only contains the last 12 months of data. Our link to the 'IAEA-database of nuclear and radiological incidents' hosted by Laka.org contains all the data since 2001, and is updated as soon as IAEA release a new report. We do not particularly endorse the complete website which appears to be based mostly on an anti-nuclear (energy) theme - please make up your own mind! What we can say, and Laka.org should take note of this too, is the significant non-nuclear (e.g. industrial radiography and medical) events with generally much higher exposures than those from the nuclear industry.

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  • Flight Radiation Calculator

    Published: Jan 21, 2023

    Source: OMNI Calculator

    • Cosmic radiation
    • Calculate flight radiation

    A flight radiation calculator that will estimate cosmic radiation exposure you receive during a flight. This tool will compare radiation exposure from any flight with, for example, exposures from medical x-rays etc. [Use with caution for a bit of fun, there are better more informative calculators available - see other links in this section - such as EPCARD].

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  • ADR 2023 - Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road

    Published: Jan 01, 2023

    Source: EU

    • Radioactive
    • Transport
    • Road
    • UK
    • ADR2023

    The current UK position with respect to the transport of radioactive materials by road is to follow the ADR. This is driven by The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009. The link we take you to the downloadable volume's.

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  • Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-ray Equipment

    Published: Oct 15, 2020

    Source: UK Health Security Agency

    • Dental Practitioners
    • Guidance Notes
    • Radiation safety
    • X-ray

    The guidance addresses the following key issues: equipment selection, design and layout of dental surgeries and X-ray rooms, risk assessment and risk management, operational procedures, optimisation of doses to both staff and patients, quality assurance, and staff training. An easy to read document which will be useful to dental practitioners, radiation protection supervisors and radiation protection advisers.

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  • Ionactive YouTube Radiation Protection Videos

    Published: May 05, 2020

    Source: Ionactive Consulting

    • Ionactive
    • YouTube
    • Radiation Protection Videos

    Ionactive Consulting commissioned Chris Robbins of Grallator between 2008-2011 to create a number of radiation protection related videos. We think these still provide a useful resource despite their resolution (which was based on average internet connection speeds of the time).

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  • Good Practice Guide No. 14 - The Examination, Testing and Calibration of Portable Radiation Protection Instruments (2014)

    Published: Apr 30, 2020

    Source: NPL

    • Radiation Monitors
    • NPL

    A Good Practice Guide from NPL that describes the recommended procedures for the examination, testing and calibration of portable dose rate and surface contamination monitors that can be used to comply with statutory standards. This addition is from 2014 and so quotes the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 (IRR99). Since then the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR17) have come into force – however the excellent guidance in this publication remains valid. Among the contributors is Peter Burgess, known worldwide for his expertise in radiation monitors and monitoring.

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In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded

– Terry Pratchett -