Radiation Monitoring
A list of curated links mostly related to suppliers of radiation monitoring equipment and services.
Good Practice Guide No. 14 - The Examination, Testing and Calibration of Portable Radiation Protection Instruments (2014)
Published: Apr 30, 2020
Source: NPL
Find out moreA Good Practice Guide from NPL that describes the recommended procedures for the examination, testing and calibration of portable dose rate and surface contamination monitors that can be used to comply with statutory standards. This addition is from 2014 and so quotes the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 (IRR99). Since then the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR17) have come into force – however the excellent guidance in this publication remains valid. Among the contributors is Peter Burgess, known worldwide for his expertise in radiation monitors and monitoring.
LabLogic - Radiation Safety
Published: Mar 28, 2019
Source: Lablogic.com
Find out moreLabLogic have an extensive catalogue of radiation and contamination survey instruments on offer including the 'Radhound' and products from Tracerco
Southern Scientific - Nuclear Industry & Radiation Monitoring
Published: Mar 28, 2019
Source: www.southernscientific.co.uk
Find out moreSouthern Scientific provide a range of radiation detectors and instrumentation in support of the nuclear and non-nuclear sectors. They also offer a bespoke service - ask them to design you something!
ThermoFisher - Radiation Detection & Measurement
Published: Mar 28, 2019
Source: thermofisher.com
Find out moreThermoFisher provide an extensive range of dose rate and contamination monitors for the workplace and environmental assessment.
Tracerco Monitors and Servicing
Published: Mar 28, 2019
Source: www.tracerco.com/monitors
Find out moreTracerco provide a significant range of radiation and contamination monitors. Perhaps originally designing for the oil and gas industry (they produce intrinsically safe versions), their monitors are now used by users from all areas of ionising radiation use (NDT, food industry, research, museums, security etc). Of note, they also provide a monitor hire service.
Physics is really nothing more than a search for ultimate simplicity, but so far all we have is a kind of elegant messiness