Contingency / CBRN
Approved Code of Practice and Guidance For The Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2019
Published: Apr 04, 2020
Source: ONR
Find out moreApproved code of practice and guidance issued by ONR for compliance with the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2019. REPPIR 2019 provides for the the protection of members of the public and workers in the event of radiation emergencies that originate from a premises. This publication also provides advice to those who are involved in planning communication strategies. Some important changes are noted in the guidance including:
- Removal of transport activities
- Removal of references to ‘reasonably foreseeable’ radiation emergency (all hazards which could lead to a radiation emergency should be assessed)
- Limitation of the dis-application of dose limits to emergency workers
- Introduction of the requirement to consult a Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) on specific matters.
Industrial radiography - managing radiation risks - Ionising Radiation Protection Series No. 1(2018)
Published: Feb 11, 2019
Source: HSE
Find out moreThis HSE publication on industrial radiography has been out for some time but now updated to be compatible with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17). Industrial radiography is potentially a high radiation risk undertaking and so requires a consent (unless it takes place in an enclosure where no access is possible). This resource considers enclosure vs open site radiography, risk assessment, planning the radiography, maintenance of radiography equipment, local rules and contingency plans. Of note, the updated resource highlights the new IRR17 regulatory requirement to 'rehearse the operation of the contingency plans periodically'.
National arrangements for incidents involving radioactivity (NAIR): technical handbook
Published: Feb 09, 2019
Source: NAIR
Find out moreNAIR 2002 Handbook (NRPB-W7). This publication is still valid despite its publication date. NAIR provides rapid and widely available assistance to the police and other emergency services where no radiation expert (e.g. Radiation Protection Adviser) is otherwise available. Assistance is provided in 2 stages and is drawn from hospitals, the nuclear industry and government departments.
National arrangements for incidents involving radioactivity (NAIR): user handbook
Published: Feb 09, 2019
Source: NAIR
Find out moreNAIR provides quick and widely available assistance to the police and other emergency services where no radiation expert is otherwise available. Assistance is provided in 2 stages and is drawn from hospitals, the nuclear industry, and government departments. This publication is for emergency services staff who might need to use the service.
Published: Feb 09, 2019
Find out moreRADSAFE is a consortium of organisations that have come together to offer mutual assistance in the event of a transport accident involving radioactive materials belonging to a RADSAFE member in the UK.
Guidance on decontamination of buildings, infrastructure and open environment
Published: Feb 09, 2019
Source: GOV.UK
Find out moreStrategic national guidance issued by the UK Government Decontamination Service, part of Defra. Originally prepared May 2004 and updated 2017. Contains guidance on decontaminating buildings and infrastructure in the event of a release - whether deliberate or accidental - of chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) material.
Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less