Radiation Protection Downloads
In this section please find a list of useful downloads that we will update from time to time. Radiation risk assessment forms, radionuclide data sheets, useful training material, legislation and similar will be featured. We will also include the CV for Ionactive advisers, and those we work with when delivering training overseas.
Radiation Controlled Area and Equipment Handover Form and Accompanying Guidance Notes
Published: Feb 24, 2019
Source: The Society and College of Radiographers (plus others)
DownloadA useful industry standard form and procedure with guidance for the handover and handback of a Controlled Area between a medical facility (e.g. medical radiation diagnostic or therapy area) and an installer or service contractor. It is essential that is is clear at all times which legal entity has control over designated areas under the Ionising Radiations Regulation 2017 (IRR17). Furthmore, this procedure will help ensure that the correct set of local rules and risk assessment are being used, and who is the appointed Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS).
In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded