International Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) training course ‘online’

Source: Ionactive News Release May 2020

[August 2020 update. The online training engine is now live at online radiation training courses. The first course, online RPO training is nearly complete and will be uploaded during September 2020].

Prompted by the on-going Covid-19 situation, there is a realisation that face-2-face training is not a reality anytime soon. Whilst Ionactive will continue to deliver courses live and direct in the training room (when permitted by governments), this situation has prompted the adoption of online communication technology like never before. What we are NOT providing is the delivery of courses designed for face-2-training via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or similar. These tools are great for meetings and short courses, but do not lend themselves well to longer courses. They simply cannot replace the live dynamic communication you achieve when all delegates are in the same training room.

Radiation Protection Officer online training course
Radiation Protection Officer online training course

This RPO course will be based on the IAEA International Basic Safety Standards for Radiation Protection (GSR Part 3). Initially the course will be particularly suitable for RPO’s based in the Gulf states (e.g. UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar etc). The decision to pick this part of the world is simply because Ionactive has much experience training in this region, so the course material can be readily converted to our new format as outlined below.

A new approach to delivering Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) training online

The Ionactive approach is not to try and mimic live training, but to create something totally new for the RPO.

  • We have turned our RPO training content into a rich multi-media course work using text, audio, visual slides, videos and quizzes.
  • We have done away with set course dates – you can take the RPO training whenever you like, wherever you are in the world (you just need an internet connection and device).
  • Feel free to take the RPO course at the pace you want (all in one go, or a different module every week – up to you!).
  • Check progress by completing quizzes and a final test which are all auto-marked (except for a few written answers which are automatically sent to the Ionactive Radiation Protection Adviser for marking).
  • Download your RPO certificate, awarded by our certificated Chartered Radiation Protection Professional / Radiation Protection Adviser (Qualified Expert), upon successful completion of the course.
  • Chat to the trainer via a chat window if you need some specific help with the training content (< 12 hour response).
  • Retain access to a personalised online delegate training area once the course is completed (the course material is available to you for up to three years after you have taken the course, before you then take a refresher).
  • Take the course on any platform (PC, MAC, phones, tablets etc).

The training fees, whilst not yet finalised, will be less than you would expect to pay if attending face-2-face training. You just need to sort out your own coffee and snacks!

This new online RPO training course is due to go live around mid-July 2020. Once live the delegate will be able to register and pay for the course online.

In the meantime, feel free to contact [email protected] for more information, we can then let you know when the course is available.

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A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life

– Charles Darwin -