How do I convert TVT to HVT (or the other way around)?

Source: Ionactive Consulting Radiation Protection Resource

This short article assumes that you know what 10th Value thickness (TVT) or 1/2 value thickness (HVT) mean. Note that these terms are also known as TVL and HVL respectively. They are used in simple gamma and x-ray shielding calculations. A fuller explanation of their use can be found in our glossary: 10th Value Thickness (TVT). Simply stated they mean:

  • TVT - the thickness of a radiation shielding material that will reduce radiation (gamma / x-ray) dose or dose rate to 1/10th of the pre-shielded value.
  • HVT - the thickness of a radiation shielding material that will reduce radiation (gamma / x-ray) dose or dose rate to 1/2 of the pre-shielded value.


1TVT = 3.32HVT

1 HVT = 0.301 TVT

It is best to look up the actual values from reliable resources (or ask a Radiation Protection Adviser), but if you know one this will reliably give you the other.

The definition of 'safe' is not strictly an engineering term; it's a societal term. Does it mean absolutely no loss of life? Does it mean absolutely no contamination with radiation? What exactly does 'safe' mean?

– Henry Petroski -