Radiation Protection Glossary

A radiation protection glossary for Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS), Radiation Protection Advisers (RPA) and anyone else interesting in radiation safety terms and definitions. The glossary is a mixture of health physics , phrases related to radiation protection legislation, transport, practical safety, technical terms and similar.

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For formal advice, see our Radiation Protection Adviser pages. 

Detriment (Radiation)

With respect to Radiation Protection, detriment is a term used to describe the 'total harm' experienced by exposing a population (and their descendants) to Internal Radiation. ICRP uses detriment to effectively sum all the Risks (probabilities) that exposure to ionising radiations might produce. For example it will include probability of fatal cancer induction, non-fatal cancer induction (and therefore years of life lost). It therefore as the dimensions of probability and thus can be expressed as a risk. In ICRP publication 60, radiation detriment is developed and used to derived Dose Limits.

If you start from nothing, it is very difficult to get anywhere

– Gerhard Herzberg -