Radiation protection units and conversions
A FAQ on radiation protection units and conversions. There are many calculators on the web that will do conversions, here we provide a more explanatory form of resource for common units used in radiation protection.
Radiation Exposure - Dose and Dose Rate (the Gray & Sievert)
Published: Dec 13, 2022
Source: Ionactive Radiation Protection Resource
Read moreThere is quite a lot in this resource article even though we will not labour the physics of these terms. We explore the SI base unit of radiation exposure, absorbed dose (the Gray - Gy), and then contrast with biological effective dose (Sievert - Sv). Number multiplier examples will be explored and the important difference between dose and dose rate is highlighted. Finally we will also note the non-SI units of the Rad and Rem and look at conversions.
Radioactivity - The Becquerel (Bq)
Published: Dec 09, 2022
Source: Ionactive Radiation Protection Resource
Read moreThe SI unit of radioactivity is the becquerel (Bq). In this resource we will look at some typical activity values you might find in nature or in the workplace. Number multipliers will be explored as will conversions e.g. to the non-SI radioactivity unit of the Curie (Ci). Some interesting facts will be included such as 'why do certain UK industries still think in terms of the curie?!'.
Radiation protection - the number system
Published: Dec 03, 2022
Source: Ionactive Radiation Protection Resource
Read moreIn radiation protection we tend to use numbers that are very small or very large. The maths is not difficult, but may appear unusual to those not used to such number scales.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe