Online radiation safety training school

Source: Ionactive News 2020

[August 2020 update. The online training engine is now live at online radiation training courses. The first course, online RPS training is nearly complete and will be uploaded during August 2020].

Ionactive will soon be releasing a completely new training product – an online radiation safety training school. It is true that the current UK government Covid-19 restrictions has driven this project forward at pace, but not as a replacement or quick fix. We still plan to run face-2-face training courses as soon as we are allowed to.

The current lock-down and working from home requirements has provided the time and resources to take this project to the next stage – implementation. We have for some time wanted to create an online radiation protection training environment, but our ever-busy onsite workload never allowed us to move past the ideas stage. Until now.

A new online radiation safety training school

For good reason many have been jumping on the Zoom / Webex (etc) bandwagon and we have conducted client meetings and short seminars using this technology. However, we do not believe that porting face-2-face courses by uploading conventional presentations is the way to achieve the online training experience. Nor do we believe providing training material as a downloadable PDF is an adequate training experience. Finally whereas an hour or two using conference software for training delivery is possible, we believe that longer and more detailed courses (especially at Radiation Protection Supervisor level) are best delivered at the pace the online delegate wishes.

Strong interaction between the delegate and trainer is essential when delivering radiations safety courses. We have planned a system that will provide the delegate with an immersive experience – not quite like sitting in a training room – but a complementary level of interaction by various means.

In order to create this training environment we have commissioned the ‘engine’ to be built by our excellent web design team. Having investigated training platforms from 3rd party providers we have decided to have the system built from the ground up, totally created for our needs. This is quite an investment, but we are really excited to see it come alive.

Some highlights we can announce now

  • Individual delegate / company training account with online delegate user space
  • Payment online by credit card (or via usual PO / invoice route)
  • Choice of off-the-shelf courses (awareness level, RPS training, sector specific radiation safety training)
  • Bespoke courses generated for clients (we already have interest from several clients to use our platform to deliver company specific training to their employees)
  • Short custom-built training videos for each course
  • Training slide player with audio commentary
  • End of module interactive quizzes and puzzles
  • Chat window to contact the trainer directly from delegates online training space
  • Video chat with the trainer directly from the users online training space (video chats are booked ahead)
  • Ability to train a group of delegates live from the platform (this functionality is not considered a routine service)
  • Course resource area (course summary PDF notes, useful links and related resource)
  • Final course test taken completely online from the delegate training space
  • Course certificate awarded online directly from the delegate training space
  • Course fees allow on-going access to the delegated training space for the duration of a subscription period
  • Delegate notice board (training news, radiation protection news, regulator news etc)
  • And lots more !!

The engine for the above system is currently being built. Meanwhile we are doing the easy bit (!), writing the course material specifically for online training delivery.

Release date – July 2020

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There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago.

– J. Robert Oppenheimer -