Ionactive releases new international RPO training course for delivery on site

Source: Ionactive Consulting Limited, July 2019

Following changes in the market and client expectations, Ionactive will no longer provide general international RPO training in the Gulf states using a UAE based training partner. This training has run for nearly 9 years and has been successful and well recognised, with Ionactive delivering RPO courses in UAE 3-4 times every year. The market at the time required a relatively fast track approach since UAE was in the early stages of developing its nuclear technology. Whilst the Ionactive training course was aimed at non-nuclear delegates, UAE compliance with IAEA standards (through its regulation FANR-Reg 24), required that all relevant users of ionising radiation had suitably trained Radiation Protection Officers. Whilst the earlier courses were x-ray security biased, the later courses (including the May 2019 course ) were designed for all delegates from every sector (medical, industrial, security, quality control etc).

There are now a number of RPO training providers available to support potential delegates in the Gulf and surrounding areas, and they all have something to offer. Ionactive started offering services in this region in 2005 and this took the form of bespoke training delivered to companies in Bahrain, Qatar and UAE. Ionactive believes there is a market for delivering in-house RPO training where a company has enough delegates to make this viable. Where a company cannot meet the minimum number of delegates there is scope for more than one company to work together and jointly host the training (yielding significant cost savings when compared to sending delegates on an external course).

Other advantages include:

  • The course is bespoke and designed for the actual ionising radiation sources present in the work area.
  • The course is delivered on site (so delegates will be commuting to work as normal).
  • The bespoke courses may allow a ‘walk & talk’ session around the work area (examining signage, looking at safety systems).
  • The bespoke courses may allow a practical element (e.g. radiation monitoring).
  • The training is designed and delivered by a UK Qualified Expert (Radiation Protection Adviser, QE)) with internationally recognised qualifications and experience.
  • During the training the client company have access to the Qualified Expert who can provide advice on the specific site radiation safety issues. This is a significant advantage over off-site courses, the new Ionactive on-site approach means delegates (and management) can receive formal QE advice whilst they train.
  • Ionactive is a QE to many suppliers who are likely to have installed and commissioned radiation sources and x-ray equipment. Therefore, the trainer will have significant knowledge regarding the sources and the group delegates work with.
  • Avoiding use of a third party (e.g. training partner) and offsite training venue will yield significant cost savings. These savings are in addition to the bespoke training advantages of inviting the training into the workplace.

The RPO training course is available in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, UAE and further afield.

To read more about this new Ionactive training product, please visit the RPO International Training page where you can download a training brochure.

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Radiation is one of the important factors in evolution. It causes mutation, and some level of mutation is actually good for evolution

– David Grinspoon -