IRR17 (3) - Application

The regulations apply to employers, employees, self-employed persons and trainees engaged in:

  • any practice,
  • any work other than a practice, that is carried out in an atmosphere containing radon gas at an annual average activity concentration in air exceeding 300Bq/m3
  • any work with any substance containing naturally occurring radioactive materials (which is a define practice under IRR17). Note this is a practice under IRR17 but we have separated for clarity.

'Work in a radon atmosphere' would include work in mines or any other premises where these is insufficient ventilation (natural or forced) to keep the concentrations below the levels specified.

This regulation is also used to disapply certain regulations for particular circumstances. For example:

Radon Atmosphere: There is no requirement for 'Accident Dosimetry' IRR17(24), or a need to 'account for radioactive materials' IRR17 (28-31).

For persons undergoing a 'medical exposure' there is no need to carry out a prior risk assessment IRR17 (8), or follow the duties to restrict exposure IRR17 (9) for that person. These issues are covered in the Ionising Radiations (Medical Exposures) Regulations 2017 - but note they have a different meaning.

Note that some medical related matters have now been transferred over to the Ionising Radiations (Medical Exposures) Regulations 2017 (IRMER 2017). In IRR17 the following has been inserted into this regulation:

  • 'carers and comforters” means individuals knowingly and willingly incurring an exposure to ionising radiation by helping, other than as part of their occupation, in the support and comfort of individuals undergoing or having undergone a medical exposure (other than as a carer and comforter). Exposures to those providing comfort and care are treated as medical exposures and are regulated under IRMER 2017.

Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas

– Marie Curie -