It is nearly June 2021

A brief blog entry to blow the cobwebs off this page! We spent much time inside the back-end of our website last year developing online training and this page has been somewhat left alone.
The first four months of 2021 have been fairly light with regards routine visits to clients, but special projects and critical visits have continued. “Teams” has still played a big part in delivering RPA advice and is likely to be a routine communication tool for ever more. It is certainly useful when you would like to grab 15 minutes to discuss a concept which does not justify an onsite visit.
Since May the visits have ‘exploded’ and the Ionactive diary is filling fast. We have been up to London on several occasions over the last few months and it has been quite depressing seeing how quiet the place was – hopefully this will now change. A quiet London just does not feel right. The increase in traffic up and down the UK is certainly noticeable now, not exactly welcome but inevitable!

Online RPS Training

This still has to be the single most important piece of ongoing Ionactive news. We have not run live face-2-face public training since March 2020. Apart from the lack of available training courses for potential delegates, the first half of 2020 was somewhat stressful since training is a significant part of our business. This is why we had to develop a RPS training alternative and so the online course was released end of October 2020. Since then we have had more than 200 delegates register and the course is still very popular in May 2021.

Our decision to create a 24/7 online multimedia course has received many welcome endorsements. Teams (et al) has its place but we wanted to create a training experience that was clearly between the delegate and the training content. We are still to be convinced that training a group over two days by Teams (or other conference software) provides a 'group experience' that is anywhere need comparable to a live face-2-face training experience. So why even try to replicate the experience?

Preparing training content for our online training platform, which was built from the ground up (it is not off-the-shelf ), was time consuming and resource intensive. It is for this reason that we have not yet competed another course ready for upload to the platform at this time. Awareness training and an environmental (radioactive) compliance training course are under development but not yet quite over the line.

If you have no idea what the Ionactive online RPS training course is - then follow the link : RPS online training course

Ionactive RPA visits

It will be obvious to most (and certainly our clients) that we had a massive reduction in face-2-face RPA client visits over the last 12 months. As an RPA provider to critical infrastructure we have remained available for physical visits, and made many during the period (but nothing as compared to pre Covid levels). However the bulk of RPA advice has been delivered by Teams meetings (or similar). Thankfully physical visits are up the up as C-19 restrictions ease. May 2021 has seen a massive increase in visits, so much so that we are spending the whole of the first week of June in Scotland visiting current and new RPA clients. It it so nice to be back on the road and our Scottish trip replaces the cancelled November 2020 trip - the weather next week looks fabulous too!

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Physics is, hopefully, simple. Physicists are not

– Edward Teller -