Dose Rates from HASS (High Activity Sealed Sources)

Source: Ionactive Radiation Protection Resource

In this resource we present example uses of HASS (High Activity Sealed Sources) together with their typical radioactivity and expected unshielded dose rate at 1m. The dose rate can be scaled linearly with activity (i.e. double the activity will double the dose rate etc). The dose rate can also be scaled with distance using the inverse square law (assuming a point source). The maths is not difficult, but feel free to use the Ionactive inverse square law widget  (just take the dose rate from the table below, and multiply by the attenuation factor after selecting the distance you require). 

Some of the figures below have been rounded to make the table clearer. 

Dose Rates from HASS (High Activity Sealed Sources)


Typical activity

Dose rate 
(at 1m)

Industrial IrradiationCo-60

370 TBq

113 Sv/h

Single source 
(one of many)
Industrial Irradiation Cs-137

20-100 TBq

1.5-7.5 Sv/h

Single source
Industrial radiography Co-60

370 GBq - 11.1 TBq

113 mSv/h - 3.4 Sv/h

Single source
Industrial radiographyIr-192

370-740 GBq

42-84 mSv/h

Single source
Industrial radiographySe-75

370-740 GBq

17-34 mSv/h

Single source
(HD) - medical

430 GBq

48.6 mSv/h

Single source
Gamma Knife 
(stereotactic radiosurgery)

1 TBq

306 mSv/h

Single source 
(one of many)
Calibrator (QA / industry)Cs-137

1 TBq

152 mSv/h

Single source
Neutron source

111-666 GBq

78-466 µSv/h 
(for γ & n separately)

Single source

Single source - denotes the data applies to a single source.

Single source (one of many) - denotes the data applies to a single source, but that this source is part of a larger source array.

A list of HASS source radionuclides and radioactivity thresholds can be found here : High Activity Sealed Sources (HASS) Radioactivity Thresholds

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life

– Charles Darwin -