Radiation Coffee Break
Got five minutes? A whole load of radiation related links that Ionactive finds interesting - hopefully you will too.
Museum of Radiation and Radioactivity
Published: Mar 03, 2019
Source: Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Find out moreThis is a really fascinating site that chronicles the scientific and commercial history of radioactivity and radiation. It has been deemed the official repository for historical radiological instruments by the Health Physics Society, which has provided financial support for the purchase of items.
Guidance for protecting aircrew from the effects of cosmic radiation
Published: Mar 03, 2019
Source: CAA - UK
Find out moreThis guidance is provided by the UK Civil Aviation Authority. Its currently based on the Directive 96/29 Euratom, although the 2013 Directive does not make any significant changes in advice. The guidance explains cosmic radiation, outlines potential doses, provides considerations for occupational exposure and outlines acceptable means of compliance.
Fusion Power
Published: Mar 03, 2019
Source: Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
Find out moreCulham Centre for Fusion Energy - scientists and engineers are working with partners around the globe to develop fusion as a new source of cleaner energy for tomorrow's power stations. It has lots of interested features and articles - well worth a look!
Digital (medical) Radiography
Published: Mar 03, 2019
Source: ICRP
Find out moreThis link takes you to a document hosted by the educational section of the ICRP site. The document provides a very readable overview of digital (medical) radiography.
Atomic Insights LLC
Published: Mar 03, 2019
Source: Atomic Insights
Find out moreAtomic Insights LLC is a for-profit, tax-paying, publishing company based in Virginia and wholly owned by Rod Adams (Rod’s words). Ionactive (Mark Ramsay) has been following Rod Adams for many years. Topics include articles on atomic energy, radiation risk, energy and much more.
Atomic Archive
Published: Mar 03, 2019
Source: http://www.atomicarchive.com/
Find out moreAtomic Archive says about itself: 'This site explores the complex history surrounding the invention of the atomic bomb - a crucial turning point for all mankind'. This site is a great read when you have a few hours to spare. It has resources dealing with the science, history, photos, videos and much more..
Radiation is one of the important factors in evolution. It causes mutation, and some level of mutation is actually good for evolution