IAEA-database of nuclear and radiological incidents

Source: Laka.org

Elsewhere in this links section we feature 'The IAEA Information Channel on Nuclear and Radiological Events'. This resource only contains the last 12 months of data. Our link to the 'IAEA-database of nuclear and radiological incidents' hosted by Laka.org contains all the data since 2001, and is updated as soon as IAEA release a new report. We do not particularly endorse the complete website which appears to be based mostly on an anti-nuclear (energy) theme - please make up your own mind! What we can say, and Laka.org should take note of this too, is the significant non-nuclear (e.g. industrial radiography and medical) events with generally much higher exposures than those from the nuclear industry.

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Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe

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