Ionactive - hello 2022!

Hello 2022!

Well 2022 is racing off the start line, cannot quite believe it is already 2/3 through January. Fingers crossed, it looks like the Covid 19 pandemic is at last receding and perhaps all remaining restrictions will soon be lifted. After the hopes in 2021 that the “2020 pandemic” would soon be over, there is still a degree of trepidation as we begin to move through 2022.

Client work

Ionactive starts the year with several new clients – one being a major UK airport. We are providing all the usual RPA services, and using our knowledge of the security systems (since we are RPA to many of the equipment manufacturers) to deliver an efficient and proportionate service. No one wanted Covid , but it has made users of ionising radiation think carefully about services they procure, especially where value for money is ever more important when commercial pressures remain (i.e. reduced passenger numbers).

This year Ionactive will be supporting a major hospital in building a new radiopharmacy facility. This will be the second year in a row that such projects have been undertaken.

Whilst there is little sign of major international travel at present, Ionactive is now supporting a radiotherapy site in New Zealand, ensuring that the radiation shielding and construction are appropriate. We are also supporting further similar projects in India. Unfortunately (!) this work can be completed via email and Teams – sigh…

Radiation Protection Training courses

Ionactive believes that the 2-day live face-to-face public training at Missenden Abbey (Buckinghamshire) will return very soon – perhaps beginning 2Q of 2022. During the Covid-19 pandemic certain compromises needed to be made, but Ionactive did not want to deliver training missing so many of the attributes that made the courses fabulous value and engaging. Things like – handing equipment between delegates, group exercises, coffee and cake (etc) on tap, a nice social dinner and B&B (all included in the price). As far as actual training delivery, Ionactive relies on close interaction and ‘reading the room’ – if masks have to be worn then so be it, but they do compromise nuanced communication which is not what you need when discussing a subject like radiation protection.

It is for this reason that in November 2020 Ionactive released an online, on demand, 24/7 RPS training course – using rich multimedia content. This was designed and built from the ground up, off-the-shelf training packages just did not cut it. Since then we have had over 350 delegates through our flagship online RPS training course. In addition the system has been used for delivery of bespoke radiation safety training.

A significant change in 2022, and trialled with live bespoke on site training during 2021, is that most live face-to-face training material will now be delivered using the online training system. The online training material will be supplemented with concise printed summary notes. It is ‘going green’ but just makes perfect sense. The delegate then has 3 years access to all their training content and all the updates regardless of whether they attend live training , or choose to take the online version. A chat service to the Ionactive RPA remains live, direct from the delegates online training area, long after they complete the course. Some delegates have commented 'it is a bit like having free RPA advice...', we are happy to oblige.

The online RPS training course will continue - feedback has been excellent and it is clear there are delegates (and / or their employers) who actually prefer this training approach, as apposed to attending a face-to-face training course away from the workplace.

Wishing everyone reading this a great year ahead!

Mark Ramsay

Radiation Protection Adviser

Ionactive Consulting Limited

January 2022.

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The definition of 'safe' is not strictly an engineering term; it's a societal term. Does it mean absolutely no loss of life? Does it mean absolutely no contamination with radiation? What exactly does 'safe' mean?

– Henry Petroski -