Radiation Safety Awareness: X-ray security screening systems for freight, cargo and aviation course
Short course
This short course is suitable for security screeners, supervisors, and maintenance personnel, who work with x-ray systems in the freight, cargo and aviation sectors. It is a perfect introduction to radiation safety awareness, as well as a refresher on the latest safety standards and practices using x-ray screening equipment for security. Completing this course will ensure the employer meets the requirements of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17). All delegates have 3 years access to all training materials including all updates. The course is not designed for Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) level delegates (please see our other courses). If you have several delegates ask us about a package price!
£96 inc VAT
Course overview
This course consists of approx. 2 hours* of learning, packed into 8 concise modules during which you will:
- Receive a brief introduction to x-ray security screening systems.
- Understand what is ionising radiation (x-rays).
- Understand the low radiation health risks from using security x-ray systems.
- Note the principles used for x-ray radiation protection.
- Recognise how we monitor for radiation around the screening systems (and what the results mean).
- Be aware of the content of radiation risk assessments.
- Practice the requirements of Local Rules (the do's and the do not).
- Understand the role of the Radiation Protection Supervisor (who you may need to seek advice from).
Throughout this course we will present you with interactive quizzes and puzzles to aid your learning. At the end of the course, you will take a short test ("open book") and receive a certificate once you pass. Your company can nominate an employee (e.g. training coordinator) to be given admin rights so they can monitor delegate progress (useful if several delegates from the same company are taking the course).
Your tutor is Mark Ramsay, Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) at Ionactive Consulting Limited. Mark Ramsay is RPA for a major UK airport and numerous manufacturers, suppliers and users of x-ray security related equipment. If you have any difficulties with the course content please feel free to chat with Mark using the inbuilt messaging service.
After completing the course each delegate has three years continuous access to all the training content, including all updates and upgrades. The training course therefore becomes a live training manual accessible wherever there is an internet connection.
A 'block booking' discounted price may be possible for several delegates being booked from the same company - just ask!
If you work in the food, beverage or pet food industry then we have just the course for you - browse our courses and select the specific course you need.
*Although we estimate 1-2 hours of training, the delegate can take the course at their own pace, there is no time limit. The delegate can also log in and out of their training course as they like, so complete over several shorter sessions if desired.
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