Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) refresher course
Short course
This online Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) refresher is designed for those who have completed the full Ionactive RPS training course. The refresher uses multimedia including audio, video, text, slide shows, quizzes, interactive widgets and puzzles. Whilst technical matters are summarised (for all sources of ionising radiation), the refresher places more emphasis on the practical role of the RPS. The training material is regularly updated to include the latest on HSE regulators and inspections, registrations & consents, radon gas in the workplace, monitors and dosimetry, and radiation protection news from the UK and beyond. Successfully completing the course test provides you with an achievement certificate valid for three years.
£360 inc VAT
This course is not yet available to purchase.
Course overview
This online Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) refresher course is designed for those who have taken the Ionactive online full RPS training course and passed the course test (probably around 3+ years ago). Delegates with certificates about to expire (currently these have been extended for free) will be automatically contacted by the Ionactive training system and invited to take this refresher.
This course consists of 4-6 hours of learning which you can take at your own pace. Sealed and unsealed radioactive sources are considered as well as radiation generators (e.g. x-ray machines); however emphasis is placed on the practical role of the RPS rather than technical content. If the delegate wishes a deeper refresh of technical radiation protection, the course contains optional pop out resources taken from our full RPS course. In addition, all Ionactive delegates have continued access to their original full 2-day RPS course material (suitably updated).
Achievement certificate
The Ionactive online RPS refresher course includes a course test (the pass mark is 55%). Two test attempts are allowed (the majority of delegates will only need one attempt). Our test system is 'open book' so that the delegate can consult the training course material and save progress . When you pass the refresher course you will receive an achievement certificate.
Typical delegates
Ionactive full RPS course delegates. For the time being this refresher course is open to delegates who have completed our full 2-day online RPS training course. At a future date we will offer course to first time Ionactive delegates who require a refresher course at the RPS level. Typical delegates for this course will include those from NHS & private medical (X-ray diagnostics, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine), security industry (x-ray and EDT trace), ports and airport security, general industry (quality assurance, material detection), oil and gas ( FMD and industrial radiography), food and drink inspection, industrial sterilization, research and development (including use of radiochemical laboratories), and government departments.
Radiation protection knowledge at the RPS level is assumed. Although this course offers options for delegates to review training material from their full Ionactive course, it's not a mandatory or necessary requirement for successful completion. However, the delegate is expected to have taken a full RPS level course (i.e. Ionactive 2 day online RPS training) before completing this refresher.
Online RPS refresher training modules
Modules cover the following subject areas:
- The role of the RPS – how has it been going? The importance of being appointed in writing with clearly defined duties. The good, and the not quite so good (!), aspects of the RPS role.
- RPS update on the administrative arrangements for radiation protection - a module covering notification, registration and consent; radiation risk assessment, local rules, contingency plans & arrangements, making best use of the RPA, ALARP, the handover / handback of controlled areas, and controlled areas inside small cabinet x-ray systems etc.
- Regulators for IRR17 (including inspection and enforcement) - findings from recent HSE inspections, HSE enforcement, preparing for an inspection, other radiation safety related regulators (environmental agencies, ONR etc).
- Radiation protection principles - an RPS refresher - an essential refresh of the principles including ionising radiation, radiation generators vs radioactive materials, external vs internal radiation hazards; time, distance, shielding & protection from the internal radiation hazard. This module features several interactive widgets to refresh concepts, and modal windows to relevant sections of the full RPS course for a deeper review.
- IRR17 legislation refresher - a review of the most relevant areas of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) for the RPS including practicable considerations with plenty of examples from many areas of ionising radiation use.
- Workplace radiation monitoring and personal dosimetry - a review of the techniques and equipment available for monitoring radiation and radioactive contamination in the workplace, and the use of passive and active dosimetry.
Throughout this course we will present you with interactive quizzes, puzzles & interactive widgets to aid your learning. At the end of this course, you will take an online test consisting mainly of short multiple-choice questions with one written question, and receive an achievement certificate once successfully completed.
Your tutor is Mark Ramsay, Radiation Protection Adviser together with other Ionactive Consulting team members (Mol, Josh and Atom).
If you have any difficulties with the course content please feel free to chat using the inbuilt messaging service (blue chat icon).
Register interest
To register your interest for our Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) refresher course, please complete this form.