Online courses

Coming soon
Medical Icon

Radiation Safety Awareness: Uses of ionising radiation in the medical sector course

Short course

This course is intended for employees (and contract staff) who work in the medical sector (NHS or private). The course covers specialist staff who work directly with ionising radiation, non-specialist staff working in departments where ionising radiation may be present, and other staff who may have contact with patients who have been administered with radioactive material (e.g. PET). This course covers all modalities include diagnostic x-ray, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. IRMER is deliberately excluded as it is often delivered as part of other training within the medical sector. This course is aimed at the awareness level so not for those who need Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) training (we have a general online RPS course available). Price quoted is for a single delegate, significant discounts will be offered for block booking (contact Ionactive via the form).

Coming soon
Environmental purple

Radioactive Substances and Waste - Environmental Compliance Course

1 day course

This one day course is suitable for the RPS who wants a more in-depth study of the environmental aspects of radioactive substance regulation and compliance. It's a potential 'bolt-on' to our flagship RPS training course (particularly for matters outside of IRR17). Also suitable for environmental managers, radioactive waste advisers, laboratory designers, waste disposal contractors and university RPOs who need a refresher.

Coming soon
RPS Blue

Online International Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) Training Course

4 day course

Having delivered RPO courses in the Gulf States for many years, we now bring this international course online and open it up to the world. The course is based on IAEA General Safety Requirements Part 3 (No. GSR Part 3) - "Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards". This course is suitable for all users of ionising radiation,