Contingency training (for radiation accidents)

Ionactive offer ready made or bespoke contingency based radiation safety training courses for the emergency services and industry - including the R&N in CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear). We also offer contingency rehearsal sessions (a specific requirement of Reg 13 of Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017). 

The R&N in CBRN

Since 2007 Ionactive Consulting has been one of the leading trainers for the R (radiological) and N (nuclear) in CBRN, for the UK emergency services. The initial drive to deliver this training was the events of 9/11 and then 7/7. We have delivered a number of training courses to the CBRNC at Ryton (Warwickshire) – this included all three blue light emergency services and specialist teams (e.g. hazardous area response team – HART). In addition, Ionactive has provided specific CBRN / HAZMAT / DIM training to a number of specific groups including - Met Police, Berkshire Fire & Rescue Service, Northampton Fire & Rescue Service, ‘all three blue lights’ (Scotland), Police Service of Northern Ireland, British Transport Police, and many more.

Training for CBRN contingency is threat (risk) based. So, we are ready and prepared to deliver this training, suitably updated and refreshed, as required. Our courses are designed to provide practical advice and guidance on the radiation protection issues experienced by the first responder.

Contingency rehearsal

Regulation 13 (2) of IRR17 requires that ‘where appropriate, the (contingency) plan must be rehearsed’. Rehearsal is sensible, but is now explicitly written into the new regulations. Ionactive has designed and managed level 1 demonstrations for nuclear licensed sites, as well as more modest emergency exercises (including radioactive spill management, casualty recovering in a radiation environment, radioactive source recovery and incident investigation).

We constantly like to question what we do and the training services we offer, as well as constructively probe the requirements of legislation and our regulators.  This is a feature of all our training services - have a look at a recent blog article on contingency : Radiation accident or radiation incident? When are IRR17 contingency plans appropriate? 

Contact [email protected] to discuss your specific requirements. 

Contingency training enquiry form

To make an enquiry regarding Contingency training, please complete this form.

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What people think of Ionactive’s Contingency training

Well done on the course, I thought it worked very well and it's good to have something that you can pick up when you have time.

– (JD) online RPS training - January 2021 [Medical Delegate] -

I was delighted that we achieved a satisfactory demonstration of our reactor emergency arrangements. The scenario was realistic, but testing. The quality of the exercise documentation produced by Ionactive was as usual first class.

– Simon Franklin, Imperial College London -

Main objective was to understand radioactive materials better and you have certainly fulfilled this for me. Excellent content and well delivered. Thank you.

– (AC) online RPS training - December 2020 [Transport Delegate] -

Thanks Mark. Just wanted to say I really enjoyed the course, it was really well presented throughout and kept me engaged!

– (TD) online RPS training - December 2020 [Medical Delegate] -

CBRNC has worked with Mark Ramsay of Ionactive Consulting to create a bespoke RPS course which meets the required standard, but is weighted towards Police needs


Very professional and enthusiastic delivery of course material without being dictatorial. The course planning was modular and flexible which helped maintain interest. Very good candidate engagement – firmly establishes the key principles

– SL - HDIM Course, "Ideal for Fire Service, HAZMAT and HDIM" -

Well done ! Trainer’s demonstrated excellent knowledge – excellent reference folder. Very informative presentations on what is a difficult and complex subject for us.

– Met Police (CBRN - Radiation training) -

Excellent and enjoyable course - Originally quite heavy/daunting but made more sense as time went on and became more enjoyable and understandable 

– Essex Police (CBRN - radiation safety training) -

Highly relevant for CBRN Coordinators - Superb course. Highly relevant for CBRN Coordinators, enabling instructors to deliver a high quality R and N package to CBRN Responders 

– Essex Police (CBRN - radiation safety training) -

Relevant to HAZMAT Officer - Mark explained a complex subject in a relevant and easily understandable way. Both delegate notes and PowerPoint presentations are very good, clear and added to overall training delivery. I both enjoyed the course and found the content very relevant to my role as a Hazmat officer. " MP, H&W Fire Service

– MP, H&W Fire Service -

Very worthwhile experience - Handout is excellent and easy to follow with good coverage of all subjects. Excellent knowledge of subject matter by both instructors. Great to look at events worldwide to understand the threat and get a clearer picture of what types of incident could occur. A very worthwhile experience!

– London Fire Brigade, CBRN course run by Ionactive -

Great course. Definitely took me 5 days not 2 though!! Mark always helpful and prompt when support required. Definitely recommend this course.

– (LP) online RPS training - December 2020 [Medical Delegate] -

I found material very well presented and helpful, legislation is bit dry but it is what it is. I enjoyed this course. It's definitely the best ever online course I have done.

– (ZB) online RPS training - January 2021 [Medical Delegate] -

Industrial Radiographer. After initial doubts about the course (we seem to stick to the norm PCN, TWI) I reached out to Mark with questions, and after several emails, he put all my doubts to rest. This course is fantastic and I can't recommend it enough. Living in the Netherlands also means flying back to the UK becomes an expensive hobby to keep recertifying. Before you think about recertifying for RPS, ARS, or BRS please get in touch with Mark. 10/10

– CC online RPS training - August 2024 [Industrial Radiography] -